Legend has it that an Ethiopian goat herder noticed that after his goats ate berries from a certain tree they became so energetic that they did not want to sleep at night. I don’t know if it’s true, but it sounds good & I do know that we have 5 goats and they love coffee beans!! You should see them crunch them up and if you are interested in more about the history of coffee check out the National Coffee Association
April 1 is our birthday, no foolin’! We are turning 8 and to celebrate we are going to GIVEAWAY one of our beautiful hand grinders, so keep your eyes out Easter Weekend.
The phrase Keep Grinding is not just a play on words here at Red Rooster. Yes, we build grinders so it makes sense to use it as a hashtag on social media (#keepgrinding). And yes, we are a little corny around here and get a kick out of puns. However there is so much more behind that phrase.
Some of you may know we started Red Rooster in 2010 around the Camano Coffee Mill (CCM) adding other grinders, home goods & reclaimed furniture along the way. The original grinder mechanism was imported from Taiwan. It was a great mechanism to start with and we have happy customers still grinding their coffee beans all over the world using it. Since the beginning we dreamed of having our own improved mechanism made here in the USA. That journey began in the fall of 2014 as Justin began researching foundries and quickly found out how vast that world is. A little overwhelmed he continued the hunt but with little results. Speaking of hunting, shortly after we began looking into having our own mechanism made a stranger showed up on our porch. We will call the stranger, Ted. Ted was asking permission to cross our land to get to the conservation to hunt. At the time Justin was out hunting on the farm and so he called Ted’s cell to hear his voicemail about working at some foundry. He found that interesting, but quickly turned his sights back to the task at hand — finding the big one from his latest trail cam pics. Justin did not give Ted permission to cross our land as he and our son were hunting pretty hard. You would understand if you own land in the Midwest. If you don’t, just take our word for it that we get a lot of interesting folks trespassing or asking to track the ‘injured’ buck that crossed the fence.
That could have been where the story ended, Read More
Think of a grape, you don’t cut a grape to get the juice out of it, you crush it for maximum extraction and flavor. Each of our grinders has a conical burr mechanism which crushes instead of cuts. When you use our Camano Coffee Mill to crush your favorite coffee beans you are extracting maximum flavor and getting your best Cup O’ Joe. The same with our Crushers & Mabana Pepper Mill, whether you are crushing peppercorns, salts, seeds or spices you are crushing & getting the most flavor for your recipe.
Our grinders are hand.built here in NE Missouri and fully adjustable. Not only are they beautiful but they are functional and built to last. Since they are so unique, they make great gifts for weddings, birthdays, Christmas etc.
Not only is the Camano Coffee Mill perfect to grind coffee beans for any brew method, but it also works great to grind peppercorns, flax seed, cinnamon sticks, seeds, spices etc. Since it is bigger than our other grinders it is ideal for when you need more for a recipe.
The Mabana Pepper Mill works great for fresh ground pepper at the table or stove. Load the hopper with your peppercorns & grind right over your plate, pan or pot. It has a cast iron burr, so we don’t recommend using it for salt. This is one of the main reasons we created the crushers.
The Crushers have a ceramic burr so it is great for salt, peppercorns, seeds & spices. Each of the crushers has the same mechanism, we use the different wood colors so you can get a set and know what’s what. Read More